Grades 3-8 State Testing

Education officials have announced that students in grades 3-8 will once again take the New York state assessments this spring. This year, the tests will be one-day exams. The state has determined students will only take one-part of the two-part exams. The English Language Arts and Math exams will be multiple choice. The Science exam … Continue reading “Grades 3-8 State Testing”

Hybrid learning plan shifts to fully in-person for grades PK-8

Starting Monday, April 12, hybrid learning for students in grades PK-8 will shift to fully in-person. This means students in grades PK-8 will no longer have a scheduled week of remote learning. They will learn in-person at FFCS each day.  Students in grades PK-8 who are full-remote will continue to learn remotely. The hybrid learning … Continue reading “Hybrid learning plan shifts to fully in-person for grades PK-8”

Hybrid learning schedule change for kindergarten

We are excited to share that we are increasing in-person classes for our kindergarten students. Beginning Monday, Feb. 1, our kindergarten students in the hybrid learning plan will attend school in-person every week. They will no longer have a week of remote instruction. View the monthly calendar for student schedules. The district has conducted an … Continue reading “Hybrid learning schedule change for kindergarten”

Q&A: School-based COVID-19 testing and microcluster colored zones

One element of the state’s strategy to combat COVID-19 has been the Micro-Cluster Initiative. This is a system of designating certain areas as a Yellow, Orange or Red zone based on the prevalence of COVID-19. These zones come with certain restrictions and protocols designed to limit the spread of the virus, including school-based COVID testing. … Continue reading “Q&A: School-based COVID-19 testing and microcluster colored zones”