Budget & Taxes

Developing the annual school budget proposal is a year-round process that involves the Fonda-Fultonville Board of Education, as well as district and school leaders.

On the third Tuesday of each May, that process culminates when residents go to the polls to vote on a school budget proposal for the following year and to elect Board of Education members. In addition, Fonda-Fultonville CSD residents typically vote on a Frothingham Free Public Library proposition. Under state education law, funding for libraries is collected by the school district and then forwarded to the respective libraries.

For the 2024-25 budget process, the district will share budget workshop presentations, along with additional communications, to keep community residents up-to-date on budget items for this year’s vote. Below are budget items to review as we approach the 2024-25 school budget vote on Tuesday, May 21.

2024-25 Budget Newsletter
2024-25 Proposed Budget
April 22 – Community Budget Workshop

Voter Eligibility

All voters must be U.S. citizens, age 18 or older and residents of the district for at least 30 days prior to the vote. Advanced registration is NOT required. You may be asked to show proof of residency (such as a valid ID that lists your address) when voting.

Board of Education election

Board of Education candidates each serve a three-year term starting July 1 of the year in which they are elected.

Absentee Ballots

Absentee ballots are available for residents who are unable to come to the polls if they are out of town or because of health concerns, including but not limited to illness, disability or hospitalization. Absentee voters must first complete an application. If you want the ballot mailed, the application must be received no later than seven (7) days prior to the budget vote. To receive an application, contact the district clerk Lori Maves at 518-853-4415 ext. 4230. Completed ballots must be received by the district by mail or drop-off no later than 5 p.m. on the day of the annual school budget vote.

    2023-24 Budget Snapshot

    • Total Budget: $33,232,572
    • Total Budget Change from 2022-23: $1,270,779 or 3.98%
    • Tax Levy Change from 2022-23: $277,125 or 2.5%
    • Tax Levy Limit (“Cap”): 3.34%
    • Use of Reserves/Fund Balance: $1,140,295

    2022-23 Budget Snapshot

    • Total Budget: $31,962,793
    • Total Budget Change from 2021-22: $1,17,875 or 3.62%
    • Tax Levy Change from 2021-22: $206,687 or 1.9%
    • Tax Levy Limit (“Cap”): 2.61%
    • Use of Reserves/Fund Balance: $1,270,884

    2021-22 Budget Snapshot

    • Total Budget: $30,844,918
    • Total Budget Change from 2020-21: $997,207 or 3.34%
    • Tax Levy Change from 2019-20: $15,894 or 0.15%
    • Tax Levy Limit (“Cap”): 0.15%
    • Use of Reserves/Fund Balance: $1,060,905

    Tax Information

    Check the status of your tax bill online

    The Fonda-Fultonville Central School District Tax Bills are online if you’d like to check to see if your school tax bill is paid. Please note that paid information is on a time-delay and is provided for your convenience only.

    This link will take you to the Montgomery County Tax Bill Search and View page. When on this page, click on the drop down arrow for school selection list and click on “Fonda/Fultonville School District-Original and Updated Information Available.” Enter your search information in any of the categories listed and click on the “Submit” button. The listing of school tax bills will appear according to your search criteria. Click on the tax bill number of the school tax bill you would like to view. To print the viewed tax bill, right click and select print.

    More information


    About School Budgets