Board of Education

At Fonda-Fultonville, the Board of Education works in partnership with the district’s community to empower and challenge every student to become a lifelong learner and a responsible citizen.

Interested in becoming a BOE member?

The Fonda-Fultonville Central School District announces that qualified residents interested in seeking a seat on the Board of Education must file a petition for nomination, which must be signed by at least 25 voters of the district.  Petitions may be picked up at the district office and must be returned by 5:00 p.m. on April 22, 2024.

Candidates must be a qualified voter of the district and must have resided in the district for at least one year prior to the election.

Three 3-year terms are available for anyone interested in running for a seat on the board.  The three 3-year seats, presently occupied by Dominic DiNatale, Dennis Egelston and Michelle Isabella, become vacant as of July 1, 2024.

The election will take place on Tuesday, May 21, from noon to 9:00 p.m. in the high school auditorium lobby.

Board policies available on BoardDocs

The Fonda-Fultonville Central School District is now using BoardDocs to share its policies. All policies can be accessed at The Board of Education’s meeting schedules, agendas and minutes will continue to be available on BoardDocs as well. 

FFCS BOE meetings to be held in-person

The Fonda-Fultonville Central School District will hold its Board of Education meetings in-person. Board of Education meetings will continue to be held in the FFCSD Auditorium. Please note that these meetings will be open to the general public. 

 Agenda materials for the regular meeting can be found on BoardDocs at

Community members can share comments for the record prior to the meeting by emailing them to District Clerk Lori Maves

Board of Education Meeting Schedule:

  • October 9
  • November 25
  • December 16
  • January 27
  • February 24
  • March 24
  • April 21
  • May 20
  • June 16   

The Fonda-Fultonville Central School District Board of Education is a seven-member board made up of unsalaried citizens elected to serve three-year terms.

  • Matt Sullivan, President, term expires on June 30, 2025
  • Bonnie Couture, Vice President, term expires on June 30, 2025
  • Dennis Egelston, term expires on June 30, 2024
  • Michelle Isabella, term expires on June 30, 2024
  • Jessica Munson, term expires on June 30, 2027
  • Adam Sullivan, term expires on June 30, 2027
  • John Wiltey, term expires on June 30, 2026. 

Duties of the Board

The board’s powers and duties are derived from the New York State Constitution, the laws of New York State and the rulings of the New York State Commissioner of Education. The Board of Education’s main areas of responsibility are:

  • Establish district policies.
  • Develop an annual budget for public approval.
  • Vote on the Superintendent’s recommendations on personnel matters and contracts.
  • Review courses of study and textbooks.
  • Act as a communication link between residents and the Superintendent.

Procedures of the Board

  • No person or group of persons acts in the name of the board.
  • All motions require a majority vote before the Board can act.
  • A board member is in an official capacity only during an official Board meeting.
  • The Board employs a Superintendent who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the district and administration of Board policies.
  • The Superintendent develops policies, programs and plans for Board action.

Goals of the Board