FFCS Mascot Vote Postponed. Details available here.

Open Government Compliance

The Committee on Open Government is responsible for overseeing and advising with regard to the Freedom of Information Law, the Open Meetings Law and the Personal Privacy Protection Law (Public Officers Law, Articles 6, 7 and 6-A respectively).

  • The Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) pertains to the public’s right to gain access to government records.
  • The Open Meetings Law (OML) concerns the public’s right to attend meetings of public bodies.
  • The Personal Privacy Protection Law (PPPL) pertains to personal information collected and maintained by state agencies.

For more information, visit the state’s Committee on Open Government website.

FFSCD complies with all Open Government Laws including Freedom of Information, Open Meetings and Personal Privacy Protection.

Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)

The Freedom of Information Law, effective January 1, 1978, reaffirms your right to know how your government operates. It provides rights of access to records reflective of governmental decisions and policies that affect the lives of every New Yorker. The law preserves the Committee on Open Government, which was created by enactment of the original Freedom of Information Law in 1974.

Any individual or organization wishing to obtain information under the Freedom of Information Law should submit a letter to the Fonda-Fultonville business official. Not all information held by a school district is open for public inspection.

District Clerk: Tabitha Biggane, 853-4415, Ext. 4233 or tbiggane@ffcsd.org

Open Meeting Law

The Open Meeting Law requires that public business be performed in an open manner and that the citizens of be fully aware of and able to observe the performance of public officials and attend and listen to the deliberations and decisions that go into the making of public policy. Every meeting of a public body shall be open to the general public, except that an executive session.

The Personal Privacy Protection Law (PPPL)

The Personal Privacy Protection Law (PPPL), enacted in 1984, pertains to personal information collected and maintained by state agencies. State agencies are required to meet standards of fair information practices regarding the collection, maintenance, use and disclosure of personal information.