FFCS fall athletic teams receive NYSPHSAA student-scholar recognition

The FFCSD fall athletic teams were recently recognized by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) as student-scholar teams for the 2024-25 athletic season. According to the NYSPHSAA website, to receive Scholar-Athlete team recognition with a certificate, the team’s average GPA for 75% of the roster must be greater than or equal … Continue reading “FFCS fall athletic teams receive NYSPHSAA student-scholar recognition”

District appoints interim principal for middle school

On Wednesday, Dec. 18, the FFCSD Board of Education appointed Mr. Mark Batty as the interim principal for the middle school. Mr. Batty will assume this role throughout the 2024-25 school year. Mr. Batty will lead day-to-day building operations, curriculum and staff oversight, and student engagement. He will fully assume his new role at Fonda-Fultonville … Continue reading “District appoints interim principal for middle school”

Community Walk Program Details Now Available

The Fonda-Fultonville Central School Community Walk program will begin on December 16, 2024, through April 25, 2025, from 6 pm to 9 pm.  If you would like to participate in this program, please contact Megan Torniainen at 518-853-4415 Ext. 4207 or send an email to mtorniainen@ffcsd.org for an application and an identification badge. This program will … Continue reading “Community Walk Program Details Now Available”

FFCS student attends first-ever Youth Agriculture Leadership Conference

On Nov. 13-14, the district’s Future Farmers of America (FFA) President Kalei Croiser attended the first-ever Youth Agriculture Leadership Conference at the Empire State Plaza in Albany, N.Y. Ms. Croiser participated with her statewide FFA colleagues, industry leaders, and additional panelists/speakers to discuss the future pathway of agriculture in New York State. Further information related … Continue reading “FFCS student attends first-ever Youth Agriculture Leadership Conference”

FFCS Fall Sports Roundup (2024-25 season)

We’re back with another athletic roundup of FFCS student-athletes for the 2024-25 fall season! As always, the Valley Hawks stepped up in their respective sports and the highlights are fantastic. So, without further waiting, here’s the fall sports roundup for the fall season. As always, thank you to our coaches and volunteers who have made … Continue reading “FFCS Fall Sports Roundup (2024-25 season)”

District introduces ‘The Valley Hawk View’

In order to streamline our communication process and share important headlines with our community, we are offering a new notification for families to access each Friday. We are introducing ‘The Valley Hawk View,’ and it will be shared through Parent Square.  What will it include? Each week, we will share one page of information highlighting … Continue reading “District introduces ‘The Valley Hawk View’”

Alumni Series: Meet Class of 1964 grad Mr. Lippie

The Alumni Series returns to the district by introducing our first-ever discussion with a Fonda-Fultonville Class of ’64 graduate. Meet Mr. Tom Lippie. During our conversation, Mr. Lippie shared his fondest memories of FFCS and the community’s impact on him as a person and professional. During our interview, a theme developed of being true to … Continue reading “Alumni Series: Meet Class of 1964 grad Mr. Lippie”

FFCS Outdoor Club activities are heating up! Follow here for details!

Activities for the FFCS Outdoor Club are heating up! The club creates opportunities/activities for district students to experience the great outdoors. Don’t miss out! Got questions? Contact Steve McGrattan at (518) 332-2505 or by email smcgrattan@ffcsd.org. Check out the club’s newsletter/calendar of events here.

FFMS Character Education Recipients for Q1

Character Education is proud to announce that Maroon & Gold Awards for the first quarter were distributed on Thursday, November 14. The individuals who received these awards were nominated by their team of teachers or special area teachers throughout the building. Students were chosen based on their outstanding display of kindness and empathy this quarter … Continue reading “FFMS Character Education Recipients for Q1”