Dear FFCS families:
Today the Fonda-Fultonville Central School District was informed that a member of the High School has tested positive for COVID-19. However, based on when the individual was last in school, public health has indicated that there is no need for contact tracing from the school setting or for any other member of the school community to quarantine. This individual was last in the building on Dec. 8. The public health department has advised us that no one on campus is at risk in connection with this positive case.
While I fully understand you would like additional details, we are not permitted by privacy laws to identify the individual involved. We have provided as much information as possible. The individual who tested positive is in quarantine for the recommended time and will not return to school until cleared by the Department of Health.
We again remind you that we are following all of the necessary health and safety precautions outlined in our reopening plan, including mask-wearing, social distancing and enhanced cleaning and disinfecting. We will continue to work in close partnership with our public health partners.
Please continue to maintain personal awareness of COVID symptoms. Visit our website or contact your child’s school principal directly if you would like more information about our health and safety procedures.
In these challenging times, rest assured that the district’s priority is protecting the health, welfare, and safety of students and staff while complying with state education and department of health guidance related to the opening of schools. Please know that we are here for all of you and our students, and we remain committed to taking all necessary health and safety precautions as we navigate this situation as a community. We appreciate your support, cooperation and partnership.
Thomas Ciaccio
Superintendent of Schools