Reminder: Prekindergarten registration to begin on Monday, Feb. 13

Fonda-Fultonville will begin accepting applications for prekindergarten for the 2023-24 school year on Monday, February 13. Beginning on Feb. 13, an application will be available for access on the homepage of the district’s website. Parents are asked to submit the application and will be contacted at a later date to complete the registration process. If … Continue reading “Reminder: Prekindergarten registration to begin on Monday, Feb. 13”

Get your tickets!! The Someone Special Dance is set for Feb. 11!!

On Saturday, February 11, the Class of 2024 is presenting The Someone Special Dance. This year’s special event cordially invites  students in grades Pre-K through grade 6 to bring their favorite adult to join in the festivities! To learn more about this event, click here. Tickets for this event are $25 per couple and $5.00 … Continue reading “Get your tickets!! The Someone Special Dance is set for Feb. 11!!”

FFES announces Character Education award recipients for first quarter

The FFES Character Education team is proud to announce the elementary student award winners for the first quarter. The individuals who received these awards were nominated by their team of teachers or specialists throughout the building. Students continue to be chosen based on their outstanding display of kindness and empathy this quarter as well as … Continue reading “FFES announces Character Education award recipients for first quarter”

FFCS students’ artwork to be featured at NYSSBA exhibit

This weekend, from Oct. 27-29, three Fonda-Fultonville Central School District students will have their artwork featured as part of a New York State Art Teachers Association (NYSATA) exhibit at the New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA) Annual Convention & Education Expo in Syracuse, N.Y. Their artwork will be featured alongside other statewide student submissions … Continue reading “FFCS students’ artwork to be featured at NYSSBA exhibit”

District Update: COVID Guidance for 2022-23 school year

For the upcoming 2022-23 school year, the district is sharing the latest recommendations and guidance from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) regarding COVID-19. Recently, Governor Hochul and the NYSDOH issued a letter providing information and guidance as it applies to COVID-19. As an additional resource, the NYSDOH provided the following document for … Continue reading “District Update: COVID Guidance for 2022-23 school year”

Superintendent Message to Families: Welcome Back!!

Dear FFCS Families: I am excited to welcome our students back to school for the ‘22-’23 school year!  For the first time in three years we are looking forward to an exciting, traditional start to the school year and can’t wait to see everyone back on campus on Wednesday, September 7.  This is my 30th … Continue reading “Superintendent Message to Families: Welcome Back!!”

Important Update: Free and Reduced Meals; APPLY TODAY

FFCS Families, As a reminder, there will NOT be free school meals for ALL students for the upcoming school year. Applications for free and reduced school meals MUST be submitted for 2022-23. For the upcoming school year, FFCS families MUST complete an application to determine if their household is eligible for free or reduced-price school … Continue reading “Important Update: Free and Reduced Meals; APPLY TODAY”

That’s a wrap! ‘Brave Traits’ video series successfully launches for school community

During the spring, the FFCS launched its Brave Traits video series to highlight our district traits of Respect, Responsibility, Trustworthiness, Citizenship and Perseverance.  This special series showcases staff and faculty, and more importantly, our students as they share what makes our district so special. Today, we provide you with the full series of videos to … Continue reading “That’s a wrap! ‘Brave Traits’ video series successfully launches for school community”

FFES announces Character Education award recipients for third quarter

The FFES Character Education team is proud to announce that awards for the third quarter were distributed the week of April 11-15. The individuals who received these awards were nominated by their team of teachers or specialists throughout the building. To view the full listing of third quarter winners, click here. “We are incredibly proud … Continue reading “FFES announces Character Education award recipients for third quarter”