The Fonda-Fultonville Central School District is proud to announce that its elementary and middle school students had a great showing at the recent Odyssey of the Mind (OM™) regional competition last weekend at Johnstown High School. The students faced off against area competitors and showcased their hard work and dedication during this year’s competition.
Here are the results for this year’s Odyssey of the Mind (OM™) regional competition for FFCS:
- Division I Team (Rhodes Team): Ms. Rhodes’s team placed first overall in their division for their problem solving skills.
- Division I Team (Bates/Roth Team): The Bates/Roth team took second place for their problem solving skills.
** Both teams have been offered the opportunity to advance to states on April 15.**
The student-based competition is hosted by the New York State Odyssey of the Mind Association, Inc. (NYSOMA), which offers the Odyssey of the Mind (OM™) program to New York students. According to its website, OM encourages divergent thinking as teams use creativity and teamwork to solve unique problems. OM brings the classroom to life as students apply what they learn and combine it with their interests and passions.
Additional details on the program and information about the New York State Odyssey of the Mind Association, Inc. (NYSOMA) can be found here: https://www.nyodyssey.org/learn-more