Over the past several years, the opportunity to provide shared services has increased with partnerships between school districts that enable students to access curriculum not readily provided within their school district. At FFCS, we are building partnerships with schools across the Greater Capital Region to allow students to access high school courses that fit their needs or interests. These courses can be accessed by a single student with their school-issued Chromebook or they can be part of a larger group in a distance learning lab that has large screen displays that make it feel as if you are right in another classroom.
FFCS not only has access to courses that are being taught at different schools, but we also project and offer courses for other schools to receive. Here at Fonda-Fultonville, we offer a variety of Ag and science courses that many other schools are not able to provide.
“We value the curriculum provided by our district for our students,” said FFCS High School Guidance Counselor Mrs. Miller. “In today’s educational landscape, it’s important to find new ways to engage students and provide them with the necessary classes and curriculum to become successful. By partnering with regional school districts, we can share and receive opportunities to improve options for today’s students. It’s a win-win situation for participating districts and their students.”
For instance, Fonda-Fultonville has an extensive Agriculture and FFA program and shares opportunities for students from other districts to access that program. Students from districts as far as Saratoga County and beyond, can travel to in-person events like our annual Ag Day or connect with our classrooms through a virtual distance learning platform. In return, FFCS students have the same opportunities to access courses that fit their individual needs in other districts. It is a concept that continues to add more and more opportunities for districts to expand their course offerings beyond what they can offer in-house. Smaller, rural districts may not have the same resources as urban or suburban schools, but through this virtual distance learning platform, they now have the opportunity to offer courses that peak student interest or fit their educational pathway.
“By partnering with schools across the Greater Capital Region we can expand the courses that we can offer to our students,” said Superintendent of Schools Mr. Ciaccio. “This is not a new concept, distance learning is something we have been a part of for a long time. However, coming out of COVID this technology has evolved and continues to grow at a fast pace. As it grows so do the opportunities and experiences for our students.”