Physical Education & Health Courses

970 Health (10th – 12th)

Credit: .5

Health provides an interactive, hands on learning environment focused on technology with its delivery. Students will gain access to information and skills that are necessary to live full, healthy, and active lives. Students will develop in the three areas of the health triangle: physically, socially, and mentally/emotionally. The curriculum will focus on the following topics/units: Body Systems, Human Growth and Development, Communicable/Non-Communicable diseases, Alcohol and Drugs, Nutrition and Physical Activity, Mental and Emotional Health, and incorporation of current health issues, concerns and the media. Health 969 is independent but requires prior approval.

990 Physical Education (9th – 12th)

Credit: .5

Physical education is required all four years that a student is in high school. The physical education program will focus on the following topics: lifetime sports activities, daily wellness, teamwork, cooperation, making healthy decisions, self-awareness, and life skills surrounding physical and emotional well-being. Activities are varied and include various team sports, wellness activities, and other stations as determined by the instructor. Students are required to change for physical education, and come with a good attitude with a willingness to learn.