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Fonda-Fultonville Central School District to launch superintendent search

The Fonda-Fultonville Central School District Board of Education is seeking community input through an online survey as it begins its search for its next superintendent of schools. 

The brief, anonymous survey seeks feedback regarding the characteristics and personal attributes desired of the next superintendent and what opportunities and challenges they will face. The survey, which will be open from February 5 through February 26, may be accessed here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/FFCSsearch.

The district is launching a search to replace current Superintendent Thomas Ciaccio, who has notified the board that he will retire at the end of the 2023-24 school year. Mr. Ciaccio has served as the Fonda-Fultonville superintendent for the past nine years.

At its meeting on Monday, January 22, the Fonda-Fultonville Board of Education appointed David Ziskin, Supervisory District Superintendent and CEO for Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery BOCES, to serve as search consultant. As part of their statutory duties, Supervisory District Superintendents may be asked by component school boards to act as consultants during superintendent searches. Dr. Ziskin will work with the board to create recruitment materials and assist with the development of selection criteria and the process for interviews.

The board of education’s goal is to have a new superintendent in place by the start of the 2024-2025 school year.


Media Contacts:

Alex Ruggeri and Max Spritzer
Public Information Specialists, HFM BOCES
aruggeri@hfmboces.org, mspritzer@hfmboces.org