Each March, schools across the nation prepare to showcase their creativity in the classroom. Otherwise known as Youth Art Month, this month is highlighted as an annual observance to emphasize the value of art education for all children and to encourage support for quality school art programs.
“Youth Art Month is a great opportunity for our younger students to really show off their creative talents,” said Superintendent of Schools Mr. Ciaccio. “There’s nothing better than seeing how proud our students are when their work is displayed on our walls for everyone to see.”
Started in 1961 by the ACMI (Art and Craft Materials Institute) in cooperation with the NAEA, the program is administered by the Council for Art Education (CAE) and focuses on the following eight goals:
1. To direct attention to the value of art education which develops divergent and critical thinking skills; multicultural awareness; and technical, communication and expressive skills.
2. To increase community, business and governmental support for art education.
3. To recognize that art is a necessity for the full development of better quality of life for all people.
4. To expand art programs in schools and stimulate new ones.
5. To increase community understanding and interest in art and art education through involvement in art exhibits, workshops, and other creative ventures.
6. To provide additional opportunities for individuals of all ages to participate in creative art learning.
7. To encourage commitment to the arts by students, community organizations, and individuals everywhere.
8. To recognize art education as a viable component in the total education curricula that develops citizens of a global society.
FFES Youth Art Month – What’s coming next?
Elementary School Wide Art Show open during Parent/Teacher Conferences on Thursday, March 10.
FFES Art Spirit Week
3/14 Monday – No school
3/15 Tuesday – Primary color day (wear Red, Yellow, Blue)
3/16 Wednesday -Wacky Wednesday (wear as many patterns as you can)
3/17Thursday – Wear green for St. Patrick’s Day
3/18 Friday- Rainbow day (wear many colors or something with a rainbow)
K-12 YAM Display at Wemple & Edick’s
Select works from all three buildings will be on display from Wednesday, March 16 to Sunday, March 20.
Drawing Contest
Students participating in the monthlong drawing contest should return their completed calendars to Mrs. Bermas by Monday, April 4 to receive a prize. Thank you to the PTSA for providing prizes for us again this year!