Dear FFCS families,
This evening, Dec. 3, the district was informed that two members of the high school community have tested positive for COVID-19. The individuals who tested positive were last in the building on Monday, Nov. 30.
Upon the recommendation of the public health department, all students and staff members in grades 7-12 will pivot to remote learning for at least tomorrow, Friday, Dec. 4. No students or staff members in grades 7-12 should report to campus tomorrow and should instead participate in remote learning. This is for two reasons:
- Through initial contact tracing protocols, the public health department has determined that a dozen high school teachers and staff members need to quarantine. Based upon our conversations with public health and out of an abundance of caution, there will not be sufficient staffing and supervision at school on Friday, Dec. 4, and all students in grades 7-12 will learn remotely for at least that day.
- Because of the late hour that the district was notified of the positive cases, the ability to contact trace and reach individuals is limited.
Staff for grades PK-6 and prekindergarten students will report as normal. All students in grades 7-12 should participate in remote learning, including students who attend BOCES Career and Technical Center (CTE) programs. Transportation to CTE will not be provided. Classes will follow the regular schedule.
Transportation to P-Tech, Adirondack Academy and off-campus special education programs will proceed as normal.
The district is working closely with the public health department and following all guidance provided by them. They will take the lead role in any further steps that may be necessary such as additional testing of individuals or contact tracing.
You will be notified by public health if you or your child has been in close contact with this individual. If you are not contacted, then you know that you and/or your child have not been in contact with the individual who tested positive.
We are not permitted by privacy laws to identify the individuals who tested positive. We have provided as much information as possible. The individuals who tested positive are in quarantine for the recommended time and will not return to school until cleared by the Department of Health.
We again remind you that we are following all of the necessary health and safety precautions outlined in our reopening plan, including mask-wearing, social distancing and enhanced cleaning and disinfecting. We will continue to work in close partnership with our public health partners.
Stay connected to your email and our website. We will share more information once all contact tracing efforts with public health have been completed. We expect to know more information about the status of school on Friday.
Please continue to be vigilant in handwashing, mask wearing and all other health and safety practices that prevent the spread of COVID-19. We appreciate your support, cooperation and partnership.
Thomas Ciaccio
Superintendent of Schools