Dear FFCS Families:
We are excited to welcome all of our students back to school! Our favorite day of the year is seeing our students on the first day of school walking off the buses and getting out of their cars to start a new school year. As a reminder, we are re-sharing this post related to our school parking lot to highlight student and public safety.
- HS/MS Main Parking Lot – Drop-Off: The parking lot has a new traffic pattern that will allow for a smoother flow of traffic throughout the two-lane drop-off loop that wraps all the way to the end of the parking lot. As you enter from the road, the first left turn is for student and staff parking only. Vehicles dropping off students will be directed down the center lane to be able to take a left turn into the drop-off loop or visitors parking lot. Once in the drop-off loop you will be directed to drive up as far as possible in the loop to park and drop-off your child(ren) on the sidewalk side only. Students MUST NOT exit the left side of the vehicle. The left lane in the drop-off loop will allow cars to pull out and exit once students are dropped off and not wait in line. The visitors lot will also serve as a mini drop-off loop if the main drop-off area is congested. Vehicles arriving early should park in this lot and not in the drop-off loop. A reminder doors open at 7:45 and if students are dropped off early they will be waiting outside of the school until doors open. Cars arriving well before 7:45 should park in the visitors lot and not in the drop-off loop. All vehicles exiting the visitors lot must turn right and follow the arrows to exit.
- HS/MS Main Parking Lot – Pick-Up: The visitors’ lot has expanded to 44 spots and will hold twice as many vehicles for student pick-up. The drop-off loop will also be a place for cars to park for pick-up. Vehicles will not be allowed to park in the left lane of the loop or on the side of the road along the tennis courts and beyond.
Attached is a photo and a drone video of our parking lot. We encourage anyone who is interested to drive up before school to experience our main parking lot.

Let’s get ready for a fun-filled year at FFCS!!