Third grade letter
Dear parents and caregivers,
We are excited to share that we are increasing in-person classes for our third grade students! Monday, March 8, our third grade students in the hybrid learning plan will attend school in-person every week. They will no longer have a week of remote instruction and will be in-person every day. Our third grade students have the advantage of being in a large space and they are not in split classrooms where extra staff is needed.
Safety remains our number one priority. We will continue following all health and safety guidelines as outlined by the New York State Education Department and the Department of Health. Your child will all have the same teachers and remain in the same classrooms (housed in the Middle School), seated 6′ apart.
Students will continue their established day-to-day routines. Parent pick-up and drop-off procedures will continue as normal (parent pick-up at 2:10). Students who ride the bus will still ride the same bus slot.
We look forward to seeing our third students in our classrooms each day. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your child’s teacher or myself.
Mrs. Megan Collins
Interim Elementary School Principal