Senior Brianna Ferro has been declared a finalist for the National Merit Scholarship, an honor bestowed on just 1% of 1.5 million high school students nationally.
“It is an honor to simply qualify, let alone be a semi-finalist and now a finalist,” FFCS counselor Emily Miller said.
The National Merit Scholarship Program is an academic competition for recognition and scholarships. Of the 1.5 million students who enroll in the program, 16,000 are notified that they have qualified as semifinalists based on standardized test scores, and they can choose whether or not they want to pursue the scholarship. To be considered, semifinalists must advance to finalist standing by meeting high academic standards and all other requirements.
Principal Aaron Grady wrote a recommendation for Ferro as part of her application.
“On the surface Brianna presents as a brilliant young lady with multiple academic achievements,” Grady said, listing Ferro as having the highest GPA and Regents test scores of her peers. “However, to only mention academic achievements would be a disservice to her additional talents and those who have been influenced by Brianna’s willingness to positively impact our culture at FFCS.”
Among Ferro’s achievements, Grady described her as an accomplished musician and a martial arts brown belt. She is a member of the district’s National Honor Society, Library Club, Key Club, Foreign Language Club and her local faith-based community organization.
“She never hesitates to take on new challenges and support those around her who strive to be at her level,” Grady wrote. “Whether it is marching in our annual homecoming parade as a member of our library club or competing in karate tournaments, Brianna dedicates her total self to growth and accomplishment and embraces each day as an opportunity to learn. As a teacher of our youth, she exemplifies active participation, positive self-promotion, resilience and personable focus. Each endeavor Brianna has taken on has been done so to enhance her personal knowledge, relationships and abilities.”
The winners will be notified this month. In the meantime, Ferro has been presented with a certificate from the National Merit Scholarship program for her accomplishment.