FFCS Mascot Vote Postponed. Details available here.

Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)

The Fonda-Fultonville Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) is made up of parents, teachers, students, and staff of Fonda-Fultonville Central School from Pre-K through Grade 12. The PTSA’s goal is to make the journey of learning for all students the best it can be.

The overall purpose of the Fonda-Fultonville PTSA is to be:

  • A powerful voice for all children.
  • A relevant resource for families and communities.
  • A strong advocate for the education and well-being of every child.


The PTSA runs strictly on fundraising, and works on a variety of projects throughout the year to help children enjoy the process of learning. The group also raises funds to assist the school in helping all students.


Please help your school and your child by joining PTSA, and attend a meeting to learn more about what you can do. Meetings take place on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Meetings will be held in the Middle School Multi-Purpose Room (please enter through door 5). For additional information, please visit the PTSA’s Facebook page. All are welcome.