Both parenting and coaching are extremely difficult vocations. By establishing an understanding of each position, we are better able to accept the actions of the other and provide greater benefit to student athletes.
Please familiarize yourself with our Athletics Code of Conduct (Board of Education Policy 7414).
Role of the Coach
- Set a good example for players and fans to follow.
- Be positive, fair, and consistent with the players.
- Make playing time and strategy decisions with thought and care.
- Establish and organize practice for the team on a daily basis.
- Be a good communicator with players and parents.
- Protect the safety of all athletes.
- Know and employ injury prevention procedures.
- Make sure players know expectations, procedures, and rules for the program.
- Make sure everyone has practice and game schedules.
- Be a professional practitioner in dealing with situations in the sport and stay current with X’s and O’s.
- Keep inventory of equipment.
- Work to help assistants.
- Keep track of the academic progress of athletes.
- Be available to talk to players and parents.
Role of the Parent
- Be a fan of everyone on the team.
- Respect the decisions of the officials.
- Respect other fans, coaches, and players.
- Don’t coach from the sidelines.
- Talk to their child if they have any questions and, if they still have questions, contact the coach through the agreed upon athletic department procedures.
- Don’t poison the water toward the coach, the program, or teammates by their conversation.
- Don’t talk to coaches on game day about a complaint.
- Be supportive of their child.
Role of the Player
- Be positive and have a good attitude.
- Support their teammates.
- Work hard.
- If they have questions, ask the coach.
- Know and follow school and team rules.
- Challenge themselves as an athlete, a student, and a person.
- Meet classroom expectations.
- Notify the coach of any scheduling conflicts in advance.
- Talk to the coach about any special concerns.
Parent/Coach Relationship
As parents, when your child becomes involved in our program, you have a right to understand what expectations are placed on your child. This begins with clear communication from the coach of your child’s team.
Appropriate Concerns to Discuss with Coaches
- The treatment of your child mentally and physically.
- Ways to help your child improve.
- Concerns about your child’s behavior.
Guidelines for Meeting with a Coach
- If appropriate, talk with your child about your question/concern. Can your child solve the problem or answer the question?
- Contact the coach (e-mail or phone). Depending on the situation or concern, or the tone of the discussion, the coach may ask you to use guideline #3.
- Call the Athletic Director and set up a meeting.
Things that won’t be discussed in a meeting:
- Playing time
- Game Strategies
- Other Players
Please remember, the coach makes decisions for the good of the team and program based on practice, ability, attitude, and chemistry.
The Role of Sportsmanship in FFCSD Athletics
The role of the parent in the education of a youngster is important. The support shown in the home is often manifested in the ability of the student to accept the opportunities presented at school in the classroom and through co-curricular activities.
There is a value system established in the home, nurtured in the school, that young people are developing. Their involvement in classroom and other activities contributes to that development. Integrity, fairness and respect are lifetime values taught through athletics, and these are the principles of good sportsmanship. With them, the spirit of competition thrives, fueled by honest rivalry, courteous relations and graceful acceptance of these results. A “Good Sport”, whether a student or a parent, is a true leader in the community. As a parent of a student in the Fonda-Fultonville School District, your sportsmanship goals should include:
- Realizing that athletics are part of the educational experience, and the benefits of involvement go beyond the final score of a game.
- Encouraging our students to perform their best, just as we would urge them on with their class work, knowing that others will always turn in better or lesser performances.
- Participating in positive cheers that encourage our youngsters, and discouraging any cheers that would redirect that focus, including those that taunt and intimidate opponents, their fans and officials.
- Learning, understanding and respecting the rules of the game, the officials who administer them and their decisions.
- Respecting the task our coaches face as teachers; and supporting them as they strive to educate our youth.
- Respecting our opponents as students, and acknowledging them for striving to do their best.
- Developing a sense of dignity under all circumstances.
You can have a major influence on your youngster’s attitude about academics and athletics. The leadership role you take in sportsmanship will help influence your child, and our community, for years to come.
Parent/Spectator Code of Conduct
- We ask that each parent sign the district’s Code of Conduct and pledge to accept responsibility for parent actions. The pledge includes the following:
- Profanity is not allowed under any circumstances.
- I will let the coach be the coach and I will do my best to be the parent on the sidelines and not coach from the parent sideline.
- I will act as the parent on the sideline. I will be supportive and positive of all of the players.
- I will treat other players, parents, fans, and other coaches with respect regardless of race, sex, religion, or ability, and will expect to be treated accordingly.
- I will NOT verbally attack any official of the game before, during, or after the contest regardless of my personal opinions about how the official is calling the game.
- I will represent FFCSD in an appropriate manner in the presence of players, parents, officials, at all games, and tournament settings.
First violation:
Parent/spectator will be issued a warning for their behavior. Although not required for a first violation, school officials can issue a suspension from call FFCSD athletic competitions based upon the seriousness of the infraction.
Second violation or first removal by a game official:
Parent/spectator will be suspended from all athletic contests that involve FFCSD for a period of no less than 2 games, including post-season contests. The parent must meet with administration; failure to do so will result in an indefinite suspension from all athletic events.
Third violation or second removal by a game official:
Parent/spectator will be suspended for the remainder of the school year from all FFCSD athletic events.