RTI & AIS Services

The Fonda-Fultonville Central School district provides Response to Intervention (RTI) and Academic Intervention Services (AIS) for all ages. At the elementary and middle school levels, we provide these services for both English language arts (ELA) and math. At the high school level, we continue to provide this for ELA and math, but also for social studies and science.

Contact the elementary school at (518) 853-3332, the middle school at (518) 853-4415, or high school at (518) 853-3182 if you feel your student is in need of these services.

Response to Intervention (RTI)

Response to Intervention (RIT) is a research-based, data driven approach to early identification and intervention for students with learning needs. RTI strategies are tools that help educators target instructional interventions to meet the specific learning needs of individual students. RTI facilitates the improvement of educational outcomes for all students by providing tiered interventions with increased levels of intensity.

Fonda-Fultonville RTI core principles:

  • The belief that we can effectively teach all children
  • The knowledge that we must intervene early using a multi-tiered instructional delivery approach that supports all students
  • The use of research-based interventions and instructional strategies is essential
  • The process of continual monitoring of student progress to inform our instruction; student progress will be monitored every 10-14 days for students in Tier 2 and 3.
  • The information necessary to make informed, data-driven decisions

Fonda-Fultonville’s RTI process:

  • The screening of all students (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills – DIBELS Next – 3x per year)
  • Identification of students that may be at-risk
  • Determination of deficit skills and problem area
  • Selection and implementation of intervention strategies
  • Progress monitoring to evaluate the student’s response to intervention
  • Referral to Instructional Support Team (IST)

RTI multi-tiered approach:

The Three Tier Instructional Model is designed to meet the needs of every student and consists of three levels of instruction.

This multitier approach most efficiently facilitates differentiated instruction for all students. The model integrates increasing intensities of instruction matched to the needs of each student.

Tier 1: Universal Interventions

Students who need SOME help reside in Tier 1. In this tier classroom interventions are implemented; the classroom teacher identifies struggling students and collects data which is then used to modify teaching strategies.

Interventions represent core instruction and universal access to core materials. Seventy-five to eighty percent of students should fall into this category. Tier I interventions include differentiated instructional strategies and support. Regular classroom assessments alert the teacher to deficiencies in student learning. Students who display poor response to group instruction in Tier 1 should be moved into Tier 2, strategic instruction.

Tier 2: Targeted, Strategic Interventions

Students who need MORE targeted help reside in Tier 2. This tier typically includes 10-15 percent of students who need “an extra dose” of good instruction to learn successfully. Tier 2 intervention strategies are in addition to the Tier 1 core instruction. Targeted, strategic interventions are designed to be fast-paced and highly effective. Students who fail to respond to strategies in Tier 2 should be moved into Tier 3, intensive instruction.

Tier 3: Intensive, Comprehensive Interventions

Students who need INDIVIDUALIZED, INTENSIVE help reside in Tier 3. This tier represents about five percent of the student population. These students continue to experience learning difficulties even after receiving strategic, targeted group interventions in Tiers 1 and 2. In Tier 3 students receive intensive, individualized interventions composed of high-intensity procedures.

Academic Intervention Services (AIS)

Academic Intervention Services are provided to students identified as being at risk of falling below the state learning standards in English language arts, mathematics, social studies, and/or science. Academic Intervention Services may include additional instruction supplementing the instruction provided through the general curriculum and/or student support services such as guidance, counseling, attendance, and study skills which are needed to improve student’s academic performance. Eligibility for Academic Intervention Services will be determined based on a student’s performance on state assessment exams and/or in accordance with the district adopted procedures.